

Stay on top of your game by monitoring your savings as it matures. Jeseku is an online savings platform that allows you earn up to 15% per annum on your savings.


All that is needed is to choose a suitable plan depending on one’s saving need and earn 10-15% as interests. Amazing right?

Our plans include


Save for your immediate needs here and get access to withdrawal at any time and guess what! There is no limit to your savings. What better way to save.


The Safe Box

For Safe Box, save daily, weekly or monthly towards a goal and get 10% interest annually. However, withdrawal is strictly after 6 months.



The Treasure plan offers you a premium investment plan where you lock your funds away safely with no access for a year until it attains prime as it accumulates annual interest of 15%. Minimum saving is 100,000 naira.

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Continually save for your target and lock funds for your desired period of time, and earn interest up to 10% per annum.


strictly lock particular funds away for future use and gain access to it when it attains maturity, earn interest of up to 10% per annum.

Jesékù Reward

Jesékù rewards it’s users with #200 naira bonus when someone signs up with their referral code and saves with Jesékù.

For your referral bonus to be considered, your referral needs to have saved at least #1000 naira for it to be valid.


Our daily mantra should be to earn, save and spend in that order. Do the needful today by clicking the Start Saving Button.

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Virtual Card
+Swift Save

As a fintech company, we are always looking for ways to make banking and financial transactions more convenient and secure for our customers. That's why we have introduced a virtual account number and card option.

A virtual account number is a unique account number that is assigned to a user's account. It is to be used for all transactions on Jeseku.

The virtual account number option is strictly for Penny and after your Penny plan has been credited, you can then transfer your funds to any other savings plan of your choice to reach your savings goals.

swift save

Our Swift Save option allows you to input your card details to add funds directly to either the Penny plan, Safe Box plan or the Treasure investment. Your card details will be stored in our database so each time you want to save directly to any plan you won't need to input your card details again. Be rest assured, we prioritize the security and privacy of our customers’ financial information.